Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fresh Video - Hey Monday's "How You Love Me Now"

Whoa! Whooooa!

I'm loving this song and the band at the moment. Yeah, there has been many comparisons between Florida-based Hey Monday and Paramore, and perhaps they are bound to occur when both lead vocalists are women. But the voices between HM's Cassadee Pope and Paramore's Hayley Williams could not be anymore different. Hayley has a distinctly charged punk rock sound while Cassadee's voice is saccharine-sweet and youthful (reminds me of Canadian indie pop singer Lights), which suits the type of music her band is putting out there, representing the "pop" end of the pop-punk spectrum, and by the sounds of their interviews, they are fully embracing it.

Anyway, the band premiered their new video for the second single "How You Love Me Now" from their Decaydance/Columbia debut album Hold On Tight on Myspace today.

Here are some screencaps, in which the very pretty Cassadee and her rocker boys work at an exclusive summer beach club, in which their emo/punk styles seem out of place with the predominantly preppy Abercrombie & Fitch clientele they serve. A preppy Casanova dude tries to pursue Cassadee (his bitches are giggling, so was it a dare?) but it's pretty much a fail as Cass is too smart not to fall for his shizz.

The title of hero truly belongs to bassist Jersey Moriarty who had two great moments in the video: (1) he leads the tug-of-war win in which his extra pull sends preppy Casanova into the mud along with his deflated ego, and (2) shows that even emo boys possess athletic prowess by throwing the touchdown pass to Cassadee. (Pssst...of course, the emo/different/unconventional kids are truly the coolest.)

Hey Monday - How You Love Me Now

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