Friday, February 8, 2008

Fresh Song: Motion City Soundtrack - It Had To Be You

Motion City Soundtrack - It Had To Be You

What I love most about the Minnesota band Motion City Soundtrack is their upbeat, poppy sound that seems in complete contradiction to their oft-depressing and morbid lyrical content. But how refreshing is it to hear a MCS song that actually has a positive meaning! Having released their first unofficial single "Broken Heart" last summer, off their third studio album titled Even If It Kills Me, the power pop/punk rock band is set to release their next single, which will likely be "It Had To Be You". The lyrics are completely random, but strangely fit:

"Let's get wrecked on pop-tarts and sex
And see the Taj Mahal / Let's save birds from Prince William's sound and skateboard through the mall / Let's fight crime with mangos and limes and join the PGA"! LOL.

I'm digging it so far and I'm sure I'll be addicted to it very soon.

BUY Even If It Kills Me on

(Uploaded by me! Thanks are appreciated!)

The video is premiering on mtvU within the week so keep an eye out for the video post!

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