Sunday, February 10, 2008

Live Rewind: Teddy Geiger at the Great American Music Hall, 10.4.06

This one concert experience was the exception to the great concert experiences of the past. For one, I should have expected that Teddy Geiger -- the kid who first brought us "Confidence (For You I Will)" -- would be a favorite of the "annoying teens and their mothers" crowd. Another was our spot in the audience. Although I didn't have a deep desire to be up in front, I admit that it would have helped in producing better photos and videos. All the tip-toeing and head bops to every-which-way in any attempt to catch a view was simply annoying and as a result, I have a few decent shots (with the use of flash) and videos of Geiger's performacnes.

Anyway, along for the ride was my friend Shaina who had never gone to a concert in San Francisco ever. The opening acts were Alexa Ray Joel (yep, Billy and Christie Brinkley's daughter) and Holly Brook, who sang the vocals on Fort Minor's hit 2006 song "Where'd You Go".

The thing I like about Teddy Geiger is his raspy voice which is best suited for more blues/soul work, more so than the poppier stuff he's released so far. He definitely reminds me of John Mayer. Heh. He's John Mayer, Jr.

Here are a few videos from that night. The first is a clip of "Look Where We Are Now" where I captured a bit of the band.

The next is a pretty long clip (full performance, I think) of his second single released in 2006 "These Walls"

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